导师介绍:祝建洪 教授,美国康乃尔大学动物科学系博士、南开大学生物化学和分子生物学硕士和南开大学生物学学士。主要从事生物学和遗传学方向。曾任美国斯克利普斯研究所免疫系博士后、美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院麻醉系博士后,研究助理教授,现任浙江省温州医学院特聘教授。发表文章多篇,是美国Sigma Xi学会;美国心脏学会;美国癌症研究学会会员, Journal of Nutrition;Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology;Acta Pharmacologica Sinica;Chemical Research in Toxicolo杂志审稿人。调剂事项
1 招收人数:2人
2 条件与待遇:1)总分必须过国家一区线的全日制应届及往届本科生;2)招生专业:生物学相关专业;3)研究方向:分子生物学毒理学;4)均为全额公费;5)学生每月生活补助800元;5)被录取的学生每人可获得200元的面试车船费补贴,于9月份报到时用车船票报销。6)学校设立多类学生奖学金:台湾光华教育基金会设立的光华奖学金:我校是浙江省属院校中唯一设立该奖学金的学校。中国科学院毛江森院士在我校设立的毛江森奖学金和助学金:特等奖学金2万元,奖学金5000元,助学金2000元。生物药械豪森药业奖学金和助学金:特等奖5000元,一等奖2000元,二等奖1000元,三等奖500元。康泉奖学金:特等奖5000元。
3 联系方式 联系人:刘师姐 联系电话:15988775091 邮箱:liu0552snow@126.com 部分发表文章 1. Zhu JH (), Chen CL, Flavahan S, Harr J, Su BY, Flavahan NA. (2023) Cyclic stretch stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell alignment by redox-dependent activation of Notch3. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 300:H1770-H1780. 2. Zhu JH (), Lei XG. (2023) Lipopolysaccharide-induced hepatic oxidative injury is not potentiated by knockout of GPX1 and SOD1 in mice. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Co. 404:559-563 3. Zhu JH, McClung JP, Zhang X, Aregullin MA, Chen C, Gonzalez FJ, Kim TW, Lei XG. (2023) Comparative impacts of knockout of two antioxidant enzymes on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice. Exp. Biol. Med. 234:1477-1483 4. Zhu JH, Zhang X, Roneker CA, McClung JP, Zhang S, Thannhauser TW, Ripoll DR, Sun Q, Lei XG. (2023) Role of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase in catalyzing nitrotyrosine formation in murine liver. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 45:611-618. 5. Zhu JH, Chen R, Yi W, Cantin GT, Fearns C, Yang Y, Yates JR, Lee JD. (2023) Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN13 negatively regulates Her2/ErbB2 malignant signaling. Oncogene, 27:2525-2531. 6. Zhu JH, Zhang X, McClung JP, Lei XG. (2023) Impact of Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase and Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase-1 knockouts on acetaminophen-induced cell death and related signaling in murine liver. Exp. Biol. Med., 231:1726-1732. 7. Lei XG, Zhu JH, McClung JP, Aregulin M, Roneker CA. (2023) Mice deficient in Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase are resistant to acetaminophen toxicity. Biochem. J., 399:455-461 8. Zhu JH, Lei XG. (2023) Double null of selenium-glutathione peroxidase-1 and copper,zinc-superoxide dismutase enhances resistance of mouse primary hepatocytes to acetaminophen toxicity. Exp. Biol. Med., 231:545-552. 9. Li GL, Zhu JH, Sun J, Wu ZW, Chen J, Yan J, Wang LF, Chen G, Jiang HZ, Li MG. (2003) Cloning of the phytase gene phyA from Aspergillus ficuum 3.4322 and its expression in yeast. Fungal Diversity. 13:85-93