2021考研英语一真题阅读理解精读 Text 4
<article class="syl-article-base tt-article-content syl-page-article syl-device-pc"><p data-track="1"><strong><span style="color: #0000FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #005CFF;"> 2021考研英语一真题阅读理解精读Text 4</span></strong></p><p><tt-audio data-id="v0d024g10000cf0cg43c77u4g5721h60" time="332.173" title="崔京浩-随我飞翔.mp3" content="来自悦读乐词"></tt-audio></p><div class="sylcards-music-player not-playing"><div class="music-state"><div class="music-info"><span class="music-name">崔京浩-随我飞翔.mp3</span><span class="music-time">5:32</span></div><div class="music-musician">来自悦读乐词</div></div><div class="progressbar" style="width: 0px;"></div><audio class="audio-player " preload="auto" src="http://v3-default.365yg.com/9b9be7971d2af50f2c055415a73312c1/63c272d2/video/tos/cn/tos-cn-v-0000c0036/87aacaf97cd44c008767fb0275f93fa2/?a=2012&ch=0&cr=0&dr=0&net=5&cd=0%7C0%7C0%7C0&br=125&bt=125&ds=1&ft=4zenzjjM95hxumo-ZmCUvz5lmcAURVO.NLrQZVBwsmoagl&mime_type=audio_mpeg&qs=13&rc=M2s1ODc6ZjdmaTMzNDczM0BpM2s1ODc6ZjdmaTMzNDczM0AzLjRkcjQwZC1gLS1kL2FzYSMzLjRkcjQwZC1gLS1kL2Fzcw%3D%3D&l=202301141610301BFC59D905E41264A2F7&btag=30000"></audio></div><p></p><p data-track="2"><span style="color: #666666; --tt-darkmode-color: #666666;"> </span> From the early days of <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">broadband</span>, <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">advocates</span> for consumers and web-based companies worried that the cable and phone companies selling broadband connections had the power and <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">incentive</span> <span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;">to favor</span> <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">affiliated</span> websites over their <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">rivals</span>’. That’s why there has been such a strong demand for rules that would prevent broadband providers from picking winners and losers online,<span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;"> preserving</span> the freedom and i<span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">nnovation</span> that have been the lifeblood of the internet.</p><p data-track="3"> Yet that demand has been almost impossible to fill—in part because of pushback from broadband providers, <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">anti-regulatory conservatives</span> and the courts. A federal appeals court weighed in again Tuesday, but instead of providing a badly needed <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">resolution</span>, it only <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">prolonged</span> the fight. At issue before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit was the latest take of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on net <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">neutrality</span>, adopted on a party-line vote in 2017. The Republican-penned order not only eliminated the strict net neutrality rules the FCC had adopted when it had a Democratic majority in 2015, but<span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;"> rejected</span> the <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">commission’s authority</span> <span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;">to require</span> broadband providers to do much of anything. The order also declared that state and local governments couldn’t <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">regulate</span> broadband providers either.</p><p data-track="4"> The <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">commission </span>argued that the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice would protect against <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">anti-competitive</span> behavior, such as a broadband-providing conglomerate like AT&T favoring its own video-streaming service at the expense of Netflix and Apple TV. Yet the FCC also ended the investigations of broadband providers that imposed data caps on their rivals’ streaming services but not their own.</p><p data-track="5"> On Tuesday, the appeals court <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;"><span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;">unanimously</span></span> <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">upheld</span> the 2017 order deregulating broadband providers, citing a Supreme Court ruling from 2005 that upheld a similarly <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">deregulatory</span> move. But Judge Patricia Millett rightly argued in a concurring opinion that “the result is unhinged from the realities of modern broadband service,” and said Congress or the Supreme Court could <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">intervene</span><span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;"> to “avoid trapping</span> Internet <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">regulation</span> in technological anachronism.”</p><p data-track="6"> In the meantime, the court threw out the FCC’s attempt to block all state rules on net neutrality, while preserving the commission’s power to preempt individual state laws that <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">undermine</span> its order. That means more battles like the one now going on between the Justice Department and California, <span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;">which</span> enacted a tough net <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">neutrality</span> law in the wake of the FCC’s <span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">abdication</span>.</p><p data-track="7"> The endless legal battles and<span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;"> back-and-forth</span> at the FCC cry out for Congress to act. It needs to give the commission<span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;"> explicit authority</span> once and for all to bar broadband providers from meddling in the traffic on their network and to create clear rules <span style="background-color: #FFD1D1; --tt-darkmode-bgcolor: #DAB2B2;">protecting </span>openness and innovation online.</p><p data-track="8"> 36. There has long been concern that broadband providers would ______.</p><p data-track="9"> A. bring web-based firms under control</p><p data-track="10"> B. slow down the traffic on their network</p><p data-track="11"> C. show partiality in treating clients</p><p data-track="12"> D. intensify competition with their rivals</p><p data-track="13"> 37. Faced with the demand for net neutrality rules, the FCC ______.</p><p data-track="14"> A. sticks to an out-of-date order</p><p data-track="15"> B. takes an anti-regulatory stance</p><p data-track="16"> C. has issued a special resolution</p><p data-track="17"> D. has allowed the states to intervene</p><p data-track="18"> 38. What can be learned about AT&T from Paragraph 3?</p><p data-track="19"> A. It protects against unfair competition.</p><p data-track="20"> B.It engages in anti-competitive practices.</p><p data-track="21"> C. It is under the FCC’s investigation.</p><p data-track="22"> D. It is in pursuit of quality service.</p><p data-track="23"> 39. Judge Patricia Millett argues that the appeals court’s decision ______.</p><p data-track="24"> A. focuses on trivialities</p><p data-track="25"> B. conveys an ambiguous message</p><p data-track="26"> C. is at odds with its earlier rulings</p><p data-track="27"> D. is out of touch with reality</p><p data-track="28"> 40. What does the author argue in the last paragraph?</p><p data-track="29"> A. Congress needs to take action to ensure net neutrality.</p><p data-track="30"> B. The FCC should be put under strict supervision.</p><p data-track="31"> C. Rules need to be set to diversify online services.</p><p data-track="32"> D. Broadband providers’ rights should be protected.</p><div class="tableWrapper"><div class="syl-shadow-provider"><div class="syl-table-wrap"><table style="width: 440px;"><colgroup><col style="width: 88px;"><col style="width: 88px;"><col style="width: 88px;"><col style="width: 88px;"><col style="width: 88px;"></colgroup><tbody><tr><td><p data-track="34" class="syl-line-pure-english"><strong><span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">C</span></strong></p></td><td><p data-track="35" class="syl-line-pure-english"><strong><span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">B</span></strong></p></td><td><p data-track="36" class="syl-line-pure-english"><strong><span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">B</span></strong></p></td><td><p data-track="37" class="syl-line-pure-english"><strong><span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">D</span></strong></p></td><td><p data-track="38" class="syl-line-pure-english"><strong><span style="color: #1A74FF; --tt-darkmode-color: #1A74FF;">A</span></strong></p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div></article><br>最后别忘了到沪学网下载免费课程!