等到第四位考生出来时候,一位接待人员(本科妹妹)把我领向面试考场。我边走边跟这位北大本科女孩搭了几句话,把她逗得合不拢嘴,自己也放松了很多。接待的那位女孩先进去了,我轻轻的敲了下门,得到面试考官的许可之后,方才小步轻轻走到讲台处,八位穿着便装的面试考官分坐在教室里,目光都盯着我,我的旁边有把椅子,还没等我定下来,老师已经请我坐下了。一位年轻老师让我introduce myself,我就把自己准备的话说了一遍,先是介绍了自己的姓名、年龄、籍贯、本科院校,谈到个人追求时候,我语气一转来了句:“I appreciate two words ‘格物致知’and ‘经世致用’ in Chinese,which can be translated into ‘close yourself into a closed room and study what you think is most importan’and ‘put the theory you acknowledged into practice ’ in English, as I believe these two qualities are badly needed for a future economist. To be a successful economist, I devote myself to pursing ‘知行合一’,which mixes ‘格物致知’and ‘经世致用’”。这番话一说,效果不错,韩国老师当场给出了一个“fascinated”的评价,说明外国教员对中国传统哲学还是很欣赏的。紧接着一个老师问:“I know you have strong interest in philosophy, so why you come to apply for economics master?”这句话一问我慌了,前面我在个人追求方面的介绍过多强调哲学性的东西弄不好被老师当做不学无术,想来想去我来了一句:“Douglass North claimed economics is no other than philosophy and history in its nature. Besides, Hayek, my idol, said a economist in economists can never be a great one. I believe every subject can come to philosophy in its end, that is why all of you ,my dear sir, get you doctor degree named economic philosophy doctor degree or finance philosophy doctor degree from the United States ”这句话一说,那位老师就很开心了,兴奋地竖起了大拇指。韩国老师似乎对我在杭州读本科比较感兴趣,他旁边一位老师用英文解释说这位韩国老师曾经在杭州呆过一段时间,紧接着韩国老师就问我对杭州看法如何,我一开始回答比较紧张,扯到学校上去了,韩国老师马上强调说:“I want you to talk about Hangzhou, not about your university。”定了下神,我决定出奇制胜,“In fact, I don’t like Hangzhou。”韩国老师估计我会对杭州大加称赞一下,这一下愣住了,眼前的这位学生怎么对人间天堂的杭州这么不感冒,条件放射式地来了句“Why?”一切都在预料中,我就势说下去:“I find Hangzhou is not a suitable city for academics, for it is just a city for relaxing yourself. I appreciate Ningbo more than Hangzhou for people in Ningbo want to learn more and more money and never stop, however, people in Hangzhou only care about this thing that they can earn enough money to support their relaxation cost. I just want to promote myself in my academic progress and never stop。”原来如此,这么一个立志学术的好孩子啊!韩国老师一听,连连点头,突然问了一句“have you got a tea in Hangzhou?”我一下子愣住了,什么意思:问我有没有喝过茶?不会吧,会问这种问题?看着我迷茫的眼神,韩国老师再次重复了一次,我还是不敢确定,谁能想到在这么紧张的面试考场上老师会问你有没有在杭州悠闲的泡着虎跑泉水品着龙井茶呢?旁边的华人老师于是用中文说了遍:你在杭州喝过茶吗?我才醒过来,面试考场上真的是什么问题都能问啊。马上做了回答:“Never ,because having tea is a way of relaxation. What I prefer is working。”哈哈,对于学术好青年而言,喝茶岂不太奢侈了,我们有限的时间是要投入无限的学术事业中的!韩国老师被逗乐了,接着问道:“How do you think about Yue Fei?”问我民族大英雄岳飞,看来这位老师对岳飞很崇拜啊,于是我用英文把岳飞的生平简单说了一下,紧接着来了句:“What make Yue Fei be a hero in china’s history is that he contribute to our country. The reason why I want to be an economist is no other than my dream to make contribute to our fast developing motherland。”三句话不离本行,即我要成为名经济学家,坚定不移地走学术道路,想来老师们也很无语吧,于是全场哈哈大笑。