生活消费篇 消费:consume (consumption) 收支:income and expense 城乡收入差距:the gap between the urban and rural incomes 物价:price 衣食住行:basic necessities of life 品牌效应:brand effects 网上购物:online shopping 线上网店/线下实体店:online/physical stores 文化交流篇文化融合:cultural blending 文化冲突:cultural shock 跨文化交流:cross-cultural communication 文化多样性:cultural diversity 中国传统文化:Chinese traditional culture 历史文化遗产:historical and cultural heritage 精神文明:spiritual civilization 民族自豪感:national pride 科技发展篇 科学技术:science and technology 互联网的发展:development of the Internet 信息时代:information era 5G技术:the fifth generation technology 网络犯罪:cybercrime 人工智能:artificial intelligence (AI) 数字经济:digital economy 虚拟现实:virtual reality 高新技术产业:high-tech industry 远程操作:remote control 环境保护篇 环境污染:environmental pollution 温室效应:greenhouse effect 濒危物种:endangered species 环境保护:environmental protection 垃圾分类:waste sorting 限塑令:restrictions on the use of plastic bags 低碳经济:a low-carbon economy 可持续发展:sustainable development 节能减排:conserve energy and reduce emissions 时事热点篇 新冠肺炎:COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) “双减”政策:“double reduction” policy 净化网络环境:purify the online environment 医保政策:medical insurance policy 住房政策:housing policy 防洪救灾:flood control and disaster relief 改革创新:reform and innovation 脱贫:fight against poverty 碳达峰:peak carbon dioxide emissions 奥林匹克精神:the Olympic spirit
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