距离2023考试还有十几天的时间了,小编能切实地体会到大家的焦虑。但是越到考前,越要静下心来,安排好自己的复习规划。在自己的能力范围之内,尽可能的取得更高的分数。今天小编想分享的是各位考生都翘首以盼的英语救命题目之大作文。作文如何着手准备?作文如何获得高分?如何在短时间内快速拿下大作文?这三个问题是我们现在需要解决的问题。话不多说,我们来看下文: 1. 了解大纲思路,对症下药 根据考研英语大纲规定:“语言准确、语言丰富、内容完整、组织连贯”十六字准则,我们要确保自己的作文不仅在内容上完整流畅,在用词用句上也要高级,体现自己的英语表达水平。 2. 了解评分标准,避开扣分点 3. 梳理写作思路,参考范文写作 以2019年试题为例: 该题目要求我们分析图中的数据。首先,我们需要先明白写作思路:描绘图表---分析图表---总结预测。 首段---描绘图表: (1)It goes without saying that the chart presents the choices of graduates from a certain university in 2013 and 2018. (2)During this period, the percentages of graduates choosing to get a job, attend graduate school, and start a company have changed. (3)Especially, the percentage of graduates choosing to attend graduate school has experienced the greatest change, jumping from 26.3% to 34% during this time. (4)Obviously, the tendency should be given more consideration. 解析:该图反应的选择“就业、升学、创业”的学生比例在2013年和2018年的不同的对比,所以在第一段分析数据时,一定是先从整体入手,再分析细节,体现变化的不同情况。所以正确思路为:(1)图表标题---(2)整体趋势---(3)最大变化---(4)过渡句,共四句话,具体参考上面英文内容。(划线内容为固定表述,可直接参考) 中段---分析图表: Many factors contribute to the tendency reflected in this chart, but in my view, the following two may take the lead. For one thing, students spend a lot of time equipping themselves with professional abilities so that they can make a good preparation for the future. For another, the development of a nation’s economy can greatly affect people’s behavior or minds based on a variety of factors. 解析:中段需要分析上图反映出来的具体内容(即为“最大变化”部分)的原因或者影响。常见分析原因角度为(可选择两个角度): (1)个人认知:People have recognized the importance of sth. (knowledge/practical experience…), which sets a positive example for society. (2)个人能力:People spend a lot of time equipping themselves with professional abilities so that they can make a good preparation for the future. (3)经济:The development of a nation’s economy can greatly affect people’s behavior or minds based on a variety of factors. 大家可以按照不同的话题选择不同的原因角度,内容合理即可。 尾段---总结预测: According to the analysis above, it is obvious that the tendency reflected by the chart will continue for some time in the future. It is high time for people to raise their awareness in this aspect. 解析:最后一段相对固定,同学们可以根据自己的想法提前确定好内容。