3、视译:在公共汽车上青年人给老年人让座是个好风尚。(It is a good custom for young people to give up their seats to old people in the buses.)
实验室昨晚被偷窃了,因为今天早上发现丢失了一台贵重的仪器。(The laboratory was broken in last night,for a valuable instrument was found missing this morning.)
We continued to build up the production, supply, storage, and marketing systems for coal, petroleum, natural gas, and electricity, and enhanced our capacity to ensure energy security. We improved mechanisms for promoting coordinated development between regions, and introduced a range of new measures to implement major strategies for regional development.(推进煤电油气产供储销体系建设,提升能源安全保障能力。健全区域协调发展体制机制,在实施重大区域发展战略方面出台一批新举措)。